What is to write?

 What's  to write?  That's my question to myself. When it is your first blog experience and you are groping not only for words but on familiarity of the platform itself, you'll gonna have this feels - staring at space from time to time like what I am having now plus the intricacies of knowing everything in it can seem to be overwhelming for a newbie and not techy like me....😅
But i recalled sometime somewhere reading a book with tips on writing, this is not verbatim but it stated something like - when you want to write, just write it, be mindful of the grammar, punctuations, and its construction later. Sad to say, I had forgotten the title of the book and its author but what i had read gave me the guts and courage to started doing what i wanted to do all my life. I'd told myself not to be restrained anymore and there is just that need to start somewhere. ..Be simple as well, you don't have to be master of languages, of adjectives and of idioms and those figure of speech but learn to have a handful numbers of words and phrases around so handy enough to make your writing interesting and not boring at least. Learn as well the basic grammars and punctuation and the right spelling of course. What matter is, it is your thoughts speaking, wether it is not appealing or not, you understand it. But, if you want others to appreciate, then that is the time to filter it and be creative..

So, this is my blog, it  is simply speaking my mind ,wether it is interesting or not as long as I understand it, it's fine.

I don't have the confidence actually to make a blog because there are so many issues about it. Do i have what it takes to write when there is not even one subject that is entering my mind?...😅

 Anyway I'm prompted by the spirit to do it or what has been I'm wanting to do but can't start it because of procrastination and hesitation. Not everyone knows the phrase prompted or promptings from the Spirit but it is another word to the more familiar saying of follow your gut feeling or your hunch. It's a spiritual lingo. I would like touch the subject on the Holy Ghost sometime in here, because that's Him, his power and influence..

Yes, i was prompted at one time and was lead to a website called Chinabrands Blog. No don't get me wrong, it isn't about brands made in China that caught my interest but the well written article it had posted about blogging. It was simple yet it gives me more information on the how and the choices. Among the many articles i had browsed and read about blogging, it offered more information enough to motivate me  into blogging. So that's it, I'm really grateful for that article of hers/his.I hope that she or he ( I dont know her gender) maybe able to read this someday, though i know slim is that chance for that.


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